Tuesday, October 4, 2016

A midnight story

Today, I decided we needed to shake up our traditional school routine a little. I had come across this activity and decided it was worth a try! (the link to this activity is located at the bottom of this post). Here is the story the kids came up with:

                                                                           A midnight story

By, Mother, Cowgirl and Doctor (and guidance by me).

              Somewhere about midnight in an old over-grown graveyard, fog rolled across the ground, bats screeched in the night and wolves howled to the lonely moon. Dr. Von Doctor looked out the broken window of his lab, searching the abandoned graveyard for his creature; Franken-Butterfly!
                Detective Mother and Private I Cowgirl tip-toed around the tombstones. P.I Cowgirl stumbled backwards on a rock and bumped into Det. Mother. Det. Mother’s scream was mimicked by a cat in the darkness. PI Cowgirl grabbed a stick and swung it around, wildly into the air.
 “Be quiet!” Det. Mother hissed at PI Cowgirl.
                PI Cowgirl glared at Det. Mother and hissed back “I’m not the one who screamed!”
                Stick broke, Det. Mother and PI Cowgirl went silent.
Glancing around Det. Mother said, “Let’s just find it and get out of here!”
                All the while, Dr. Von Doctor had seen the comical display by the two intruders. “They are just what I need to fix Franken-Butterfly!” He decided as he snuffed out his candle and disappeared into the blackness of the graveyard.
                Frankin-Butterfly coward behind a skinny tree, hoping she wouldn’t be found. She whimpered in fright as a bat screeched high above her. She had never been out of Dr. Von Doctor’s lab before, but she knew she had to get away! She had to get away from all the monsters in the lab. Wherever she looked, tiny monsters looked back. They were everywhere; in all the test tubes and beakers. When she blinked, they blinked. The worst though, was the big monster stuck on the wall. It always seemed to be watching her. Just a little while ago it tired to attack her! She only went to the monster to make friends, but the dust on a shelf that she bumped made her sneeze. She didn’t think that was good enough of a reason for the monster to roar and to grab her! In fear, she lunged for the window, but the big monster beat her there! Turning and running, she crashed into the table. Books and bottles crashed to the floor. Like a scared cat, she looked around the room at the falling shelves and books. It was then that the big monster on the wall came for her. Feeling like her heart was outside of her body, she ran towards the window again. But before she got there the big monster was there again. Sliding to a stop, she lost her balance and fell into the arms of the monster. Instead of it holding her tight, she broke through its arms, glass shattered and she fell to the earth. Fearing the monster was not far behind, she ran and hid behind a skinny tree. She gulped in huge breaths of air, wondering what to do next. A cricket chirped behind her.
                “Eeeek!” She screamed as she barrelled forward.
                Not watching where she was going, Frankin-Butterfly crashed into the detectives. Rolling across the ground, a tombstone brought them to a stop. Dazed and confused, the trio staggered to their feet and fell down.
                Dr. Von Doctor heard the commotion and hurried in the direction of the sound. At the base of a large tombstone, he seen his beloved pet monster; Frankin-Butterfly and the two intruders, in a heap.
                Quickly he ran to Frankin-Butterfly’s side and knelt down. “I brought you a slimy dead fish,” he said, pulling out of his coat pocket. “Are you okay dear?”
                Frankin-Butterfly purred and rested her head on his shoulder. She decided, home with big monsters was better than the scary graveyard. She licked the side of Dr. Von Doctor’s face, happy to be safe.


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